

MNTR carries the purpose of harmonizing the regional disciplines on transparency to trade. Practicing regulatory transparency that act as fundamental catalyst in commerce that will enable the development of economic, cross-border investment and trade, and integration between country all over the globe.

The MNTR contains the trade and customs laws and procedures of all AMSs and trade-related information which are: (i) tariff nomenclature; (ii) MFN tariffs, preferential tariffs offered under this Agreement and other Agreements of ASEAN with its Dialogue Partners; (iii) rules of origin; (iv) non-tariff measures; (v) national trade and customs laws and rules; (vi) procedures and documentary requirements; (vii) administrative rulings; (viii) best practices in trade facilitation applied by each Member State; and (ix) list of authorized traders of AMSs.

The categorized information that has being form as parts of the National Trade Repository (NTR) are define in Article 13 of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement.

9 Elements 

1.Tariff Nomenclature​
​Tariff nomenclature is an internationally standardized system of names and numbers to classify traded products. It came into effect in 1988 and has since been developed and maintained by the World Customs Organization (WCO) (formerly the Customs Co-operation Council), an independent intergovernmental organization based in Brussels, Belgium, with over 200 member countries.

2.​Preferential Tariffs

The creation of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) was agreed at the 1992 ASEAN Summit in Singapore. The main objectives of the AFTA are to:​​

  • create a single market and an international production base;
  • attract foreign direct investments; and
  • expand intra-ASEAN trade and investments.

The liberalisation of trade in the region through elimination of both intra-regional tariffs and non-tariff barriers had contributed towards making ASEAN's manufacturing sectors more efficient and competitive in the global market. As a result, consumers are able to source goods from the more efficient producers in ASEAN, thus creating a robust intra-ASEAN trade.​

3.​ Rules of Origin

ROO is the guiding principle to determine where one product is originated from. In order to enjoy originating status from FTA member country one's must be the last substantial transformation to where the product took place. Rules of origin also is use to determine the country of o​rigin of a product for purposes of international t​rade.​​

4.Non-Tariff Measures

​The concept of NTMs is very broad, and includes a number of different measures, ranging from quantitative restrictions of all kinds, technical regulations, standards, SPS measures, customs rules, etc. All of them share the same characteristic of affecting trade.​

5.National Trade and Customs Laws and Rules

​6.​Procedures and Documentary Requirements

This ATR topic intends to provide information on trade-related procedural and documentary requirements that are imposed in each ASEAN Member State in connection with the importation and exportation of goods.
7.​Administrative Rulings

Administrative rulings help to outline the orders and decisions created and related to administrative agencies. It is officially disseminate agency's regulations that have the force and effect of law. Generally these rules elaborate the requirements of a law or policy.​​​​

8.Best Practices in Trade Facilitation

ASEAN Member States are required to notify best practices in trade facilitation. These may include best practices arising from practical experience of implementing trade facilitation reforms, in areas including:

  • ​​​​​​Publication and availability of information (e.g.; enquiry points)
  • ​​Advan​ce rulings
  • Appeal or review
  • Disciplines on fees and charges imposed on or in connection with importation and exportation
  • Release and clearance of goods (including, inter alia, pre-arrival processing, risk management, post-clearance audit, authorized operators, expedited shipments)
  • Border agency cooperation
  • Formalities connected with importation and exportation and transit (e.g. ; single window, temporary admission of goods)
  • Freedom of transit
  • Customs cooperation

9.Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)​